Our Dinner with Rip…

Talk about a fascinating evening!!!

I wish I could tell you guys that after I published my first blog post I had this HUGE party with a ton of vegan celebrities on the guest list like Woody Harrelson, Tal Ronnen, and Alicia Silverstone, but my life isn’t that glamorous to say the least.  However, shortly after my first blog post, I was given an opportunity (along with everyone else in the Charlottesville area!) to have dinner with Rip Esselstyn, the creator of the Engine 2 Diet.  The event was hosted by our local Whole Foods Market, which very recently went through a transition of their own.  They FINALLY (after 6 years of talk!) opened a new store and in comparison to the older store they had, this is definitely my version of heaven 😉 

Anyways, back to the subject at hand…

The dinner was held Wednesday evening at the Omni Hotel in Charlottesville and for those who wanted to sign up for the 28 Day Challenge, Whole Foods would donate $28 to the UVA Burn Unit for each person who wanted to participate in this win-win situation.  Also, to sweeten the deal, admission to the event was $5 but a $5 gift voucher to Whole Foods was given in return for just attending the event!  I noticed a few firefighters and EMTs at this event as well which really made for such an overall great event 🙂  The food was catered by Whole Foods but it stuck with the Engine 2 Diet recipes which was filling but I have to side with a couple of friends of mine who went and say it was a tad bland but Rip did explain that not all the food provided was done exactly to his specifications when it came to flavor and certain garnishes (like the ground cashews for a nutty cheesy effect) for his Sweet Potato Lasagna.  I guess I will give Mr. Esselstyn a pass since he did give me a great autograph to add to my (very small) collection 😉

You may ask yourself why I took this long to post if I went to this fantastic event.  Well…my explanation is very simple, I actually took the time to read the whole book cover to cover!  Although it is an easy read but it’s a challenge to sit down and read anything when you are dealing with an infant…

She can see through your soul and still demand more attention!

I took the book with me to my hair appointment (I probably came across as rude but I had my goal in sight and no salon gossip was going to keep me away from it!) and any time I had free and this weekend, I gladly gave Chuck “baby duty”.  While reading this book, I did have an “ah-ha” moment regarding the meals I prepare at our house.  Although my meals are always 100% vegan and fresh and/or frozen produce take center stage, I really realized how much oil I put into my food and just how easily I will use my organic unbleached white flour and vegan fair trade sugar without a second thought.  I do have standards like any other wife/mother, for instance I will always use whole grain pastas/rice and I make a lot of things from scratch because it’s healthier and cost effective.  After reading this book, it made me take a second look at what I was really feeding my family.  There was never one moment that I felt like a bad provider, but like all people who try to live well and eat well sometimes along the way you feel like you made too many “exceptions” and now those “exceptions” are coming back to haunt you.  I agree with a lot of what Rip is trying to say and if you ask around, not many people (and zero medical experts!) arguing against him. 

What I am hoping to get from this book is simple….To look better and to feel better.  When it comes to looks, clinically speaking, my weight is considered “average” but if I were to gain 5lbs right now, without a doubt I would be creeping into the “overweight” category.  Unlike most of the friends I know, I never, ever, ever, ever had the dreaded weight talk with my doctor.  Also, most people might feel that I should be given some slack since I had a baby 6 months ago…to me it’s just an excuse and it’s one I never used and never will use (some people are amazed how much I have already lost since child birth!).  Weightwise, I hope this program will get me at an overall better weight. 

Now on the health side of things, I suffer from 2 irritating ailments that effect most people.  The major one right now is Acid Reflux, also known as GERD.  I have dealt with this issue for well over 2 years now and have been subjected to many tests that lead to no real answer.  Instead, I have to take medication twice a day in order to feel remotely comfortable.  I go to one of the best GI doctors in the nation and I still suffer 🙁  The other ailment I have is PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS.  This ailment is what forced me to seek fertility treatment 2 years ago and to finally have Raegan.  Sadly, PCOS can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, along with infertility, unwanted hair on the face (sometimes chest in extreme cases), excess weigh around the middle (my trouble spot for MANY years), and adult acne.  Some celebrities who have PCOS include Victoria Beckham, Kate Gosselin, and Jillian Michaels to name a VERY small few.  Chuck and I would love to add another child to our family but what we would really love is to get pregnant without all the doctors and drugs…But I also made peace knowing that getting pregnant again might require going back to the specialists and I’m confident to say that we are both prepared for that regardless. 

So to sum it all up (minus the sob story!), I would like to fix what’s ailing me and it appears that Rip’s approach might help with some of that and I am always willing to give things “the old college try!”

Now before I end this post, I want to also inform my audience that this blog will NOT be in any way 100% focused on the Engine 2 Diet…My life is more than that and I promised all of you (including myself) that this blog will have some variety unlike most blogs out there.  This just kind of fell into my lap while I was creating this blog and it’s definitely worth talking about.  I signed up for the 28 Day Challenge in hopes that this might open even more doors to this blog and more importantly, my own life.  This Wednesday, (June 15th) is the first day of the 28 Day Challenge.  Whole Foods has provided support group sessions along with providing experts in Behavioral Management to help along the way.  I think the thing I am excited about is doing something and actually finishing until the end.  It’s been a long time that I have done something like that and I remember that awesome feeling of accomplishment! 

Moving forward, I will be attending the Richmond Vegetarian Festival this weekend (just as a patron…not a speaker!  OK not yet anyways…) and also I have been contacted to contribute an article for a small vegan magazine located on the west coast.  I have absolutely no idea on what I want to write about (I am open to ideas!) and I feel guilty for not really having any awesome ideas but whatever I come up with, you bet, I will be sharing it here 🙂  As I am typing this, somewhere in my mind I am just thinking about my little vegan dreams coming alive.  When I became vegan back in late 2008 (literally months after Chuck and I were married) we originally did it for health/animal welfare reasons and soon enough, the ripple effect happened and I couldn’t be happier 🙂  If one day I become a famous blogger or vegan writer, I certainly hope I get a chance to thank all of you personally who followed me all the way back to this humble post.  If there is one thing for sure, this Real Vegan Housewife is going to have one awesome year ahead…


Before I go on…I AM NOT A HIPPIE!!!  Wow…that felt great to get that out in the open 🙂  Some of you stumbling on my blog may not know me and are probably wondering what dragged you here in my lovely corner of the internet.  I decided to use my first post to let you in on my crazy world.  For those who already know me, please feel free to skim this post and follow my blog as I am sure you will get as much satisfaction reading it as much as I do writing it.

I guess by looking at the title of this blog, you already know two things about me: 1) I am a vegan.  2) I am a housewife.  What some of you may not know is that I have the best job in the world.  Sure it has its ups and downs but at the end of the day, I spend my most of my waking hours with those who mean most to me (never in any specific order)….

My loving husband Chuck who always sees the glass half full…Or in this case, two full glasses 😉

My first love…Shadow.  For the past eight years, he has been my rock and my furry stalker 🙂
Roscoe- He graduated twice from obedience school at the top of his class…but still no trashcan is ever safe!!!
This is the girl who truly taught me to be selfless…Raegan.  She is the CEO of this family 😉

You might wonder since I have three family members to think about, when do I have time to do anything for me?  Or in that case, what do I like to do?  Well, the first thing you will find out later on is that I love to cook.  It’s my therapy.  I like creating the food people have always wanted to try but never had the time or the patience to do.  I also like veganizing old family favorites, that I like to call “Trailer Park Food”.  It’s basically comfort food that was never intended to be healthy, but possibly healthier because it’s now got a vegan twist to it.  I’m not a nutritionist or a doctor so I can’t quite confirm the “health factor” to that claim.  And also I never, ever lived in a trailer…I just lived a handful of years in my mom’s house in West Virginia that was sooooooooooooooo small that a trailer might have been more luxurious.  Ironic, huh?

Another thing I like to do is travel…either by plane, bus, car, unicorn, etc.  Before I became married, I had my fair share of worldly travel.  Currently, with a young infant, it’s a little more limited but I look back at the places I have been and I appreciated everything I have learned from each place.  I also look forward to sharing those experiences with my daughter once she becomes more “travel compliant”.  The thing that calms my itch to travel is to explore places that are closer to where I live.  I live in one of the most beautiful states in the US and in such a great diverse college town.  That fabulous place is called Charlottesville, Virginia.  I am within driving distance to so many historical landmarks and in crawling distance to a billion (and counting!) wineries, breweries, and distilleries.  The focus of this town is “going local” with a great emphasis on farmers, local businesses, etc.

I am very proud to say that we have a steadily growing vegan population.  My husband and I are “co-organizers” of our local Charlottesville Vegan Meetup Group along with our friend (and original founder) Doug.  Just looking at the website today, our group is just under 150 members strong.  Not all of our members are vegan, but we simply classify our members as “Vegans and Veg Interested.”  We normally meet up at random places for potlucks, restaurants, or just about anywhere doing anything that is vegan friendly.  Chuck and I are still surprised about the random vegans we see in our area who have yet to hear about this group….So if you are that random vegan living in the area-CLICK ON THE LINK NOW!!!

What I am hoping to get out of this blog is that I can share with other people how easy it is to be a NORMAL family and be vegan.  Plus, I have a few interesting things that happen day to day that might bring a smile to someone’s face 🙂  I hope to also be able to give tips/ideas and be able to squash any stereotypes out there regarding my family’s choice of lifestyle.  The more I post on here, the more I hope you see that there are other sides of me than just being “That Crazy Vegan Housewife.”  Also, there are a million vegan cooking blogs out there and as much as I want to try to share with you my wonderful recipes, I don’t want the focus to be just on food (but I still promise you good food!).  My idea is to help that other vegan mom out there or possibly that other person who is simply looking into a simpler, but cruelty free lifestyle.  I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect….I am not always the perfect vegan, but really who is???  Sometimes, we have to weigh our options and go for what’s overall the best choice (like medicine to treat a chronic condition…I wish good health for everyone regardless!).  Many well respected vegans will tell you that it’s all about “being the best vegan you can be” and that’s the point I will always drive home to each and every one of you.  In return, I am expecting a supportive network from people of all walks of life who can relate to my day to day rants 😉

So without any further delay, I give you myself and my crazy life to read about…Enjoy!!!